It Happened | Teen Ink

It Happened

March 12, 2010
By Anonymous

It happened. At 13, thinking your pregnant is a very scary thing. By knowing it happened, I was slapped in the face by the possibility. Having a baby would have been the reality of my bad decision. Luckily I had somebody to talk to unlike most kids don’t. Kids at my school need to know the consequences of sex.
Having sex education in middle school will help us learn about all the bad consequences that we kids today do not know. We could get all kinds of diseases that are easy to catch. But most of all, getting pregnant is the worst. Teenagers are not ready for a baby. So, having sex education in middle school could help us learn about all the consequences that come with having sex.

Some people think having sex education is a bad idea. The parents think we are too young to hear about sex. They think if we hear about it we would start having sex. But what they don’t know is we are having sex anyway, and having sex education could change our minds about having sex. Some parents want to have the “talk” with just parent and kid, but when they usually have the “talk,” we have already had sex.

Staring at the pregnancy test and finally figuring out it was a negative, I was relieved. I want kids to know that having sex can bring you a lot of pain, trouble, and confusion. Kids our age are not ready for a baby; we don’t know how to take care of a child. So other kids don’t go through what I’ve been through I wish parents and teachers would write to the school board. Parents, students, and teachers could talk to our principal about starting a sex education class and attend the local board meeting. We could go to the PTO meetings and ask for their help.


This article has 1 comment.

luvcornbread said...
on Mar. 22 2010 at 3:18 pm
luvcornbread, Larenceville, Virginia
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stay close to ur loved ones ND STAYCLOSER TO UR ENEMIES

p this is so true its sad but it happens