Bullying | Teen Ink


November 5, 2011
By TheScientist BRONZE, Findlay, Ohio
TheScientist BRONZE, Findlay, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One of the most horrible thing that the world is struggling with these days isn't drugs,alcohol, or murders.I think it is bullying.Yeah,you may not agree with me saying ''What's this guy thinking... of course those things are worse than bullying''.In your opoinin those things may be worse but I think bullying is worse because bullying lead to those things.I look at the world all around us and everywere I see someone bullying someone.Even in the media these days they may say''oh well bullying isnt that bad,it is i've been through it and it is the worst exerpience you think.I dont care what kind verbal,emotional or even cyber it hurts.And if you've been bullied don't bully someone else because it's just giving yourself a bad image.When I was bullied because of being Hispanic all the memories of being called wetback,mexican't even at one time I was called black.Even of how much you want to punch that person if the face try to keep your cool because you dont want to be the one in trouble.Bullying can also lead to deaths too.My mom is a big Dr.Phil fan and I see all of these stories about cyber bullying and suicides.It distuged me and I just can't stand it.But not all of the media is about bullying there are some media is against bullying like the song''How to save a life''by The Fray is about how you should reach out to someone if you get bullied before it's to late.And even some people no not people, multi- millioaire stars were bullied but that said to themselves im not gonna let this stop me like Lady GaGa.I bet you now the people who bullied her are saying to themselves now ''Why did I do that''.So I am saying to all of the people who get bullied reach out to someone and I promise you it will get better.

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