Teenager Playing Mom and Wife? Oh my Life. | Teen Ink

Teenager Playing Mom and Wife? Oh my Life.

January 5, 2013
By MissMarie PLATINUM, Fruitland Park, Florida
MissMarie PLATINUM, Fruitland Park, Florida
22 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Love is just a word, until you find someone to give it definition"...

Oh lord. Has anyone else had parents over for dinner, a lovely home cooked meal? Yeah that doesnt exist in my house, especially when you pull spongebob out of the meatloaf while cutting it infront of the family. Haha. My husband has been off work for a few days so I have been going to photoshoots everyday. Aww the life of a grown up! Let me tell you the amazing story of day 2 of this mamas work week. I wake up at 4:30am prepare myself for this wonderful photoshoot, throw my hair in a pony tail. Forget to put makeup on. Throw on a tshirt and jeans and im out the door. I show up at this photoshoot, looking like night of the living dead. I sit waiting for the photographer, he comes into the room "WHERE IS MY MODEL" with his all to fancy french accent...blah Lol. I raise my hand "right here dude" ......."GOOD LORD YOU MUST BE KIDDING ME, ITS OKAY I MAKE EVERYTHING LOOK GREAT, EVEN POOR PEOPLE, I ONCE DID A SHOOT WITH A HOMELESS LADY IS AUSTRALIA". ..............well then, hahaha excuse me for living! The rest of the shoot went smooth until my husband called me saying my son had eaten the cotten out of his stuffed animal. The joys of being a parent and wife. Wife at 19.....mother at 19......you know that feeling when you just want to kick someone in the face with a golf shoe then force them to chug a full jar of Tabasco. Yep. That about explains it. But you know what, I love this crazy life. Being normal is vastly over rated anyways. Did I mention im moving states in less then a week? Oh yes my life is about to get even more interesting. Stay tuned my loves. Im going ti eat a bar of cookie dough and watch The Notebook.

The author's comments:
My life!


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