W H R | Teen Ink


May 18, 2013
By balachakra PLATINUM, Coimbatore, Other
balachakra PLATINUM, Coimbatore, Other
23 articles 1 photo 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
people say that changes in life are acceptable...but whats true....<br /> the changes are not acceptable but its adaptable

Are we all living peacefully...........? Even if u says "no", i say yes and can dominate your answer. I have a great reason and proof that you are wrong. Are we all living in a society where human are considered as humans..........? If you say “yes” then that means you are again wrong. Wait!! Wait!!IT before all this i have great intention and eager to know the answer for my question. What is human society........? Have you ever thought about it....? We don’t even think about the next door mates, then how will we have time to think about the whole human society. I could see always see the generation where they are into a busy world of pushing the time down and jostle each of us to rush for a happy retirement age...this is human psychology i agree but just think a while "what is the use of getting settled with a pension money while no one in the human society are ready to question when your right have been misused??” I am concerned more with my family and relation i don’t think of others ", is this statement tells that u have a human nature????? No not at all. I can keep bundling the question, if this human society is not going answer.
Our neighboring cocountry "sri lanka" is going to stand as an example that there is nothing called human rights. Than talking this topic as human rights it’s all about humanity. Living in other own cocountry as refugee is more painful than being a slave to the attackers. When British came into India we were the one to protest and to bring back our own cocountry. But today our cocountrymen killing our own people have become common. But still we are not able to put the rebellions down. The central or state, whatever may be the government power they are nothing before the people‘s (we) power, we should know that voting a person to represent our cocountry is not only our duty. At time each one has to be a representative to voice out when the human rights get misused. When we are not going to question our own men then what will be the condition of this cocountry in times of invasion. People say military is there to support our cocountry and they give their life to save us .i like to appeal with this statement and salute our Indian military. But i am putting my head down on his utterance, of thinking casually that a person can be killed to save one’s life.is this a humanity that this cocountry had taught us?? is these human rights that we are enjoying.......?
I don’t say completely there is no human sense of thinking. I am proud when the youngsters at college level had a very high response of sizzling into strike all over Tamilnadu to voice over Sri Lankan government. And that had given a great impact to the UNO in knowing the present situation. But the positive result had not shown even by our own people. I don’t believe in "eye for eye" and “tooth for tooth”. It is a treasure of thousands and thousands lives. It is better to get vanished within a minute to die day and night. There is a ratio giving those 28 boats and 131 fishermen of India were apprehended by Sri Lankan navy. We still count the head that had been murdered and given as food to the Sri Lankan fishes.
The cost of human lives has been decided by our own government that indicates that we can give up more lives for this money. The money is nothing before a human life. May be the fishermen families are satisfied in the money to survive for next day but that cannot replace a life. This can happen in a minute to us.
The new generation having the Indian red pigment in body should give a overview to save at least our generation of sri lanka. It is not only a single cocountry Sri Lanka there are many countries who still having a practice of domination in treating humans as lower class people in terms of their religion, race and origin. Death have been a captive punishments for lower class people followed in some rural areas and also in developed countries .there is no meaning in talking about democracy, independency and be proud in enjoying as peaceful free world. It is not the government who had done the mistake.it is the time that each individual who has to realize their own share of responsibility in human rights. This is not a story it’s a feeling of humans Always there is a statement saying the "united we stand divide we fall ".Lets all throw the ego that it’s not cost of our live. There is no class called” a” class” b” class and” c”( as in terms of school) representing upper class middle class and lower class in our society as in . We are all one among the people of this human society. No class and No religion for humanity. Let we the human society join together as a special identity as humans and give voice against human rights with a great humanity.

What are HUMAN RIGHTS? |
Where is HUMAN RIGHTS? |----->WHR
Within us HUMAN RIGHTS. |


The author's comments:
Let we the human society join together as a special identity as humans and give voice against human rights with a great humanity.


This article has 1 comment.

on May. 27 2013 at 12:53 pm
bala sema........ it war really good... nice attempt.....