Are we really safe? | Teen Ink

Are we really safe?

June 27, 2013
By Debbielove11 BRONZE, Hilmar, California
Debbielove11 BRONZE, Hilmar, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

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Are We Really Safe?
Our lives are really not as private as you think. We secretly have people watching us and listening to our private phone calls, how bizarre is that? Pretty bizarre I think I wouldn’t want people listening to my private phone calls and my private text messages. Also I never knew that we had hidden cameras in restaurants that we eat at I find that really nasty because who wants to sit their and watch people eat their food I don’t because that view is not very pretty. You know that when you go and shop at a market and you use your credit card that a random stranger which is your cashier can see all of the money in your credit card and see how much money you spend and how much money you hold in your credit card that is crazy and an invasion of privacy I don’t know why the government is doing this to us but it is very unfair what they are doing by invading people's privacy because it is not right.

Another reason why I think its wrong is because what if people are have a private phone calls with someone and they don’t want anyone to know about it and they think that no one is listening and their really is someone listening on the other end and I don’t think that's fair either and its very wrong because I didn’t hear any rules on the news about the governments putting cameras everywhere and listening to private phone calls and random strange cashiers are looking at how much money someone owns or what they purchased with that card. I thought the government was trying to make this a safe environment not a dangerous one if we don’t fix this problem it could get worse and worse we could be treated like wild animals living in Africa, but that’s not the point the point is that the government is ruining our society by making this an unsafe place in our world.

What would the safe enviroment be if someone is tracking your every move what if that cashier or banker you saw what if thats really not a cashier or a banker what if he is a serial killer and he goes out to track you what is safe about that?!?! Nothing is safe about that. I think the government should take the cameras away and mind their own business because although they are thinking that they are protecting the society they’re really hurting it.

Something that really bothers me is that schools also have surveillance cameras and what would the kids be doing in school they’re being watched and it makes no sense to have them so i think it should be banned cameras and listening to private phone calls but that is my opinion some may agree some may disagree but I like my privacy and I would like the respect if I don’t want to be watched no one can watch me and thats it.


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