Post Much? | Teen Ink

Post Much?

January 6, 2014
By Colt45 BRONZE, Cogan Station, Pennsylvania
Colt45 BRONZE, Cogan Station, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Teens, do they post to much? What do you think? Yes? No? Yes, is what I say, I do think teen post to much without thinking. They post there D.O.B or date of birth, address, even where and when they will be somewhere. So, what do you say? Not sure? Keep reading.

Opponents say social networks can be good for reaching family or friends fast or for emergencies; but why post all your information? Some teen do this. You never know who can see what you post or say.

Some may argue about privacy settings, yes but if you don’t look it over and check it you can share it to a friend and then there friends, then friends of those friends and etc.. Who are you really sharing your information with? Do you know?

Don’t forget about pictures, they can say more than you think; they can show where you are, what you are like, and or what you look like. Be careful of what you show the the world in your status or pictures. Job offers try to learn all they can to see what your like to see if your right for the job; they look at pictures, status and other things you post.

People and teens post to much in my opinion online. Watch what you post, make sure you know who sees it, and how much you share about yourself or what you do. Some of you won’t agree and I understand that, just look at how much information you post.

The author's comments:
This is a piece to tell my opinion if teens and people post to much information about their selves.

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