Advice Column | Teen Ink

Advice Column

February 18, 2014
By tlf19 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
tlf19 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Teen Ink,

Wow! Teen Ink, your magazine is extravagant, and I think that everybody can find something to relate to in Teen Ink magazines. I love how all the writing pieces are so alluring; they just make me want to continue reading. It’s also very magnificent because its written by teens and written for teens. I love your magazines, but I think you can improve it by creating an advice column.
Teen Ink should add an advice column because readers would be able to write in, and explain their tough situation. The readers could also just give a problem on which they are not sure where to start, and need advice on how to solve their problem. It would be a little tough for you guys, because you would have to write back on how to solve their problem, but I think the readers would enjoy the advice column, and get extra assistance for their situation. The readers that do not feel comfortable sharing in the magazine would still be able to read some advice wanted, and advice given by others that they can relate to. Oscar Wilde stated, “ The only thing to do with good advice is pass it on. It is never any use to oneself.” That quote means that those readers would be able to share out, and people with the same problems or others could get the advice, also.

I think it would be a splendid idea to add an advice column so teens can relate to the world more. The teens from all around the world could share their problems, and get advice on situations like bullying, friendships, or even relationships in general. I’m positive that you will get a lot of advice wanted letters sent in and I feel that you will get more readers.


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