Children Having Children | Teen Ink

Children Having Children

February 27, 2014
By Craymon BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
Craymon BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Its not how hard you work, its how smart you work.

Today, many teens are getting pregnant. Three in ten teen American girls will get pregnant at least once before age 20. That is about 750,000 teen pregnancies every year. Many ways to stop this include education, both parental and governmental, pledges, and abstinence. Due to these three reasons, the amount of teen pregnancies has been at the lowest peak in 30 years in which the rate decreased by 42%!

To begin, the first way to prevent teens from getting pregnant is through education. There are two types of education, parental and governmental. Parental is where the parents teach their kids about sex whenever and however they want. This is an effective way because this creates a bond between the parents and the kids. It has been proven that where there is a strong parental attachment, the kids are less likely to become sexually active at a young age. Where there is a little or no bond, the kids tend to bond with a friend and therefore are more likely to become sexually active. In addition, parents provide strong structures for their kids. They teach their kids the difference between right and wrong through good morals and right values. For example, if parents teach their kids to stay in school and do well, the kids will be more focused on their school work than on sexual relations. On the opposite side of parental education, there is governmental education. In this type of education, kids learn about sex through schools. About 93% of American Jr. High parents believe in education through school and about 95% of high school parents believe in it too. The reason for this is because this is the most professional way. The people that teach sex have learned and studied it.

The next way to lower teen pregnancies is through pledges. Pledges are where kids agree to not have sex until they are of married. Pledges are very effective because they delay sex for an average of 18 months. By this time, the kid is not thinking about sex and probably will not have sex until the right time. Sex is delayed for so long because pledges are usually done at a church. This gives the kid motivation because they do not want to sin. Also, when a kid sticks to their pledge, they are preventing themselves from getting pregnant and getting diseases.

Finally, the last way to prevent pregnancies is through abstinence. Abstinence is where the kid just stays away from sex. This is the easiest and only for sure way to not get pregnant. This is so easy because all teens have to do is wait and stay out of sex. The effects of abstinence are very rewarding because not only does the kid not get pregnant, but the kid is also protecting their feelings, health, and future. The kid’s feelings are protected because nothing can go wrong with not having sex. They cannot get in trouble by their family and friends for not doing something. Health is also protected because not having sex means no diseases are being transferred. The kid might still get the average cold but they will not get AIDS or HIVs, just to name a few. Lastly, the kid’s future will be protected. If the kid were to get pregnant, they would go through many struggles like what choices to make or how to take care of a baby. Young mothers are more likely to be poor because they are younger, disadvantaged, and did not completely finish school. If the kid does not get pregnant, they still have the chance to finish school and live life with a lot less pressure and stress.

To conclude, the easiest and most effective ways to prevent teenage pregnancies are through education, pledges, and through abstinence. Education in which parents and governments teach kids about sex, pledges is where kids agree to stay away from sexual activities and abstinence is where kids completely avoid sex. Through these three suggested ways, teenage pregnancies have been decreasing rapidly each year.

The author's comments:
I was inspired by Mrs. Neitzel and Mrs. Manzari to write this article. Shout outs to all of my friends who helped me with this and supported me through the writing of this artcle.


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