2014 Olympics | Teen Ink

2014 Olympics

March 21, 2014
By Anonymous

This year one of the finest Olympic Games were held in Sochi, Russia. Millions of people around the world sat on the edge of their seats, eyes completely fixed on the many individuals competing for their country. Of course, for every sport, only three may go home in victory, but only one can take the gold. Athletes who spend a lot of time and effort practicing their favorite sport make a great performance, even the young ones.

The winter games comprises of seven different sports, including figure skating. These people choreograph unique styles of dancing they will perform on ice. A slippery substance best for making long, fast spins and leap after leap. Even if one mistake is made they will push themselves forward to the finish line. No matter who they are, it’s a privilege to compete in the most important worldwide event. More so for who’s first time it is.

In the figure skating portion of the Olympics we see so many impressive techniques. One of the youngest competitors blew the minds of everyone watching. She is a fifteen you old, Russian girl, living the life doing what she loves. I don’t know about you but if we were to vote who was most light on their feet, I’d vote for her. She easily did tricks that normally couldn’t be done, such as twizzling three times in a row while keeping up the momentum.

Clearly, I wasn’t the only one amazed because at the end of the competition, the judges scored her so high that she took the gold. I didn’t know what to think. I was rooting for America but she deserved it. She had the confidence, like many others, to make the best of her abilities. The Olympics isn’t about being the best, it’s about doing your best.

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