A Mask | Teen Ink

A Mask

May 18, 2014
By Anonymous

What do you see when you look in the mirror? Do you see yourself as a pristine human being that lives a perfect life that consists of no flaws? You create a false illusion not only to the world but yourself. Is it because you are scared to see that you are perfectly imperfect? Do you see the mask you wear everyday to hide the truth?
You wear this lie as neat as the shirt on your back. I know you because I am you everyday. You apply your makeup to cover the bags under your eyes caused from a restless night full of stress. Stress from the mistakes you have done, which are just stepping stones to the lessons of life. Worry lines above your eyebrows from worrying what other people think about you.
Trying to fulfill this spotless reputation that is impossible to have. Rosie pink limps that never expresses what the soul aches from. The lips lock away the pain not wanting to express the troubles. While the heart tries to push the pain out to seek acceptance to put the soul at peace with itself. Straight pearl white teeth shown through smiles. Smiles that cover up the agony. The hurt is right behind the sparkling smile waiting to burst out in feelings, but the lips come back together and shut close before the feelings make their way through the pearly white teeth.
Eyes give away every emotion. But because of our generation, eye contact is extremely uncommon. Eyes filled with despair. Dark eyes, the color of the sky right before it storms. Bountiful tears streaming down your face, like the rain swelling the ocean in a drought.
Curly hair that is wild and free. Shinning in the sunlight. Bouncing back up to a perfect curl when people let go after pulling it down. Soon enough its frizzy due to accentuation of problems. Hair ironed to supremacy. But you will always have your split ends. The end of your hair will always split multiplying your hair. Life will always multiply your problems.
Now that you know you aren’t the only one do you still see the mask or have you seen past it? At the end of the day you take off the mask and see your beautiful self. Striving for acceptance from society, but every time you wear your mask, you’re digging a deeper hole by setting higher expectation that is expected from you in the eyes of the people around you.

The author's comments:
This piece emphasizes how we seek to find acceptance from a false front we out on. Sometimes we are afraid to see who we truly are so instead we hide behind a mask that gives us security. Even though we feel secure with other people with the mask on, the pain increases.

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This article has 2 comments.

da bunny said...
on May. 23 2014 at 9:45 pm
Love this article.  It made me feel sad in some odd way but I loved the depth of emotion so typical of the teenage years.

da bunny said...
on May. 23 2014 at 9:27 pm
I love this article!  It shows such depth of emotion from a teenage perspective.  It made me feel sorrow and think about myself in her same terms.