Teen Suicide | Teen Ink

Teen Suicide

May 20, 2014
By Shelby White BRONZE, Indianpolis, Indiana
Shelby White BRONZE, Indianpolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Around 30,000 teens commit suicide every day because of peer pressure from friends, family, and their peers (KidsHealth). This is becoming a major issue for both boys and girls because they are affecting everyone else around them; family, friends, and other kids who think about committing suicide (Suicide Awareness Voices of Education). Teens should not commit suicide, there are so many ways that you can get away from bullies and taking your life should not even be a choice.

Every forty seconds, somewhere around the United States a teen is committing suicide (Saxena). In the U.S. 324,672 males have committed suicide and 5,950 females have committed suicide (Caruso, Suicide.org).The reason for most suicidal attempts is because of depression. Most girls and boys feel that they don’t fit in or are not wanted by the people around them.

Other teens just have no one to go to. They are not able to talk to their parents because of the reactions given back. Some teens are embarrassed to be bullied so they don’t speak up and take actions into their own hands by suffocation, overdosing on pills, drowning themself or taking a gunshot to their heads.

Although, some believe that suicide will stop all of your problems, some say that “If they are living every day in constant misery, and nothing else has worked they should in the end be allowed to take their own life” (Debate.org). Life isn’t about being the person that everybody wants you to be so why do it. You were put on this earth for a reason and you shouldn’t have to feel like you’re less than anyone else.

Remember don’t commit suicide because you have so much to live for and life is a privilege not a choice. Think about that the next time you want/try/think about killing yourself.

The author's comments:
I belive that teen suicide should not be the way for dealing with your stress.

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