Are you murdering when you cyberbully? | Teen Ink

Are you murdering when you cyberbully?

May 26, 2014
By Mackenzii BRONZE, Pflugerville, Texas
Mackenzii BRONZE, Pflugerville, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"you purple-hued mistachio earthworm!"


As you log on to your Facebook account, you see rude messages like “no one will care if you die!” or “Just die the world will be a better place without you!”. This is cyberbullying and it’s a real problem. Usually, people commit suicide because of this.
Since our world is overrun with technology we tend to be on the computer, a lot. When we tend to log to our social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, My space) and spend hours on it. When were online hours at a time, we loose track of reality. Out of entertainment we can say whatever we want even if it could hurt somebody.
“Why do people cyberbully?” many parents who have lost there children ask this question. But the true answer remains silent. Is it out of humor? Jealousy? Even revenge?

Due to cyberbullying people have been committing suicide. But why kill yourself over comments? If you do that the cyberbully will get stronger and look for more victims.
Sadly teens go through cyberbullying most of all. Studies show that teens go through mood swings and tend to do things they’ll regret. Also teens have more of the social media accounts and can do whatever they want on them.
So before you say something rude, stop and think. A lot of times we loose ourselves in all the negativity. Cyberbullying is just like killing someone. Your threats are like a gun, threatening to shoot and eventually you’ll pull the trigger and put someones life on forever pause.
We can stop cyberbullying, we just need to speak up! We need to stop being mean on the screen. So turn off your negativity and turn on the positivity!


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