Generosity | Teen Ink


May 21, 2014
By thor1 BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
thor1 BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Happiness is something that many strive for but there are many different aspects and ways to achieve happiness. Kindness is one of them but again there are many branches to that as well and being able to see the good in your life is a very important part of kindness. I believe gratitude sums up that idea.

I express my gratitude to my teachers or instructors when I leave their class by saying "thanks" or just "see ya" Or when they help me to understand a topic better I tell them "thank you".

Another times I show gratitude is every morning I thank my mom for making me breakfast every morning, when she drops me off for school or drivers ed., feeding the dogs for me, or when she answers a quick math question like 18 times 3.

A third place I am grateful is with my friends help me with homework, a game, or when they make an effort in entermurials or P.E. I tell them good job.

I think this makes things better by letting others around me know they are appreciated and their efforts don't go unnoticed. I personally know that being thanked for even just the small acts of kindness makes me feel better so showing gratitude I believe can make others feel noticed, appreciated, and good.

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