Screw Society | Teen Ink

Screw Society

January 12, 2015
By leanne allen BRONZE, Escondido, California
leanne allen BRONZE, Escondido, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Picture a beautiful women. Take a moment and think about her face, her body, her attitude, and her posture. Everyone has a different idea of the perfect body image. Society today has taught girls to think that being a size 2 is perfect. Even though most girls in America fit into a size 12. Society's expectations influence what we believe to be the perfect body image. We live in a world where beauty is shaped by society. We are told by the society what kind of body image we should aim for. We see pictures of “perfect” bodies everywhere, on television, in movies, magazines, newspapers, and online.

Many girls and young women compare themselves to models in ads. A majority of the models you see on television and in advertisements are no where near what is considered healthy body weight. The media's use of such unrealistic models sends an awful message that in order for a woman to be considered beautiful, she must be unhealthy. What many of them don’t realize is that the models you see on the covers of magazines are made thinner though computer alterations. These digital manipulations have added to the fact that plastic surgeries have increased. Society today has its own definition of perfection and what it means to be pretty.

We see young women and girls becoming anorexic because they think they are fat, according to society. Many think society won't accept them if they aren't a certain size or if the don't look a certain way. Many of us have been in the same situation where we thought we weren't good enough, or that we didn't look the right way to be accepted. Girls feel the need to cover up with tons makeup in order to feel pretty and accepted. If we consider society’s idea of the perfect body image for women it would be a women about 5’10” and only weighed about 120 pounds, someone who can fit into a size zero-two, someone with a thigh-gap, someone with a perfect smile. But what many girls don't understand is that, you’ll never find perfection no matter how hard you look. It doesn’t exist.

The truth is that everyone comes in different shapes and sizes. We were created through God's definition of perfection. Society needs to change the way they view women. We are all perfect in our own ways and it shouldn't be based on what society views as perfect.

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