Leadership Raises and Holds the Flag | Teen Ink

Leadership Raises and Holds the Flag

November 5, 2015
By FishRisch GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
FishRisch GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Leadership created and changed this country and that is what the American flag represents. Leadership both raised the flag and holds it high against all odds.

George Washington’s leadership during the Revolutionary War was a major factor that affected who won the war. Although he lost more battles than he won, his resilience and persistence kept revolution alive. Washington forced the British out of Boston to take control of all 13 American Colonies. After the creation of the Declaration of Independence, the American colonies successfully became their own country with Washington as the first president.  His leadership resulted in the birth of our great country.

About 90 years later, the flag flew high as a symbol of the North. Eleven states of the South attempted to secede to become the Confederate States of America. Abraham Lincoln  reunited the states and changed the country by abolishing slavery. His act of leadership both maintained the basic principles of the US and bettered it in the process. 

Even though the the 13th amendment proclaimed all people to be free, it didn’t create equality among all men and women. America was now in the middle of another problem. Jim Crow laws segregated white and black people. Martin Luther King Jr. lead a movement against segregation and eventually changed the U.S. yet again.
Leadership sometimes isn’t about making a great change. Sometimes it’s about taking a risk for an entire country’s pride. In July of 1969, Neil Armstrong and the Apollo 11 mission landed on the moon. Armstrong was the first man to step foot on the moon and placed the first United States flag on the surface of the moon.
In every instance of struggle, perseverance, and change, leadership has made the difference in the history of the U.S., and the flag has always been flying to signify it. 

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