America | Teen Ink


November 6, 2015
By JordanJknabenbauer BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
JordanJknabenbauer BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Our flag has become one of the most important symbols to people in America, the roots of what that America stands for, its meaning was given from the hard working men and women who have built this country since day one. I know not every story has a perfect background, there are always scars, maybe even stories that make us question what it is to be an American. The flags background is something to be  proud about.

The flag symbolizes new beginnings which is how America has become open to all the new changes to this day. Every human has an option to start a new life in the United states and fulfill what they envision of becoming in the world. It didn’t all just appear like that, there was blood shed for us to have this freedom and our military fights for our country to have this and without them nothing would be the way it is to this day. The flag is symbolic, powerful and forever-lasting.

Blood, sweat, and tears are what the flag is build on for it is the root of everything we stand for. We take our hats off, look up at the stars and stripes and put our hand on our hearts and give thanks to the people who have made an everlasting impact. For they are who kept it safe through all these years.

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