Should Suicide Be Legal | Teen Ink

Should Suicide Be Legal

March 29, 2016
By lexie_johnson GOLD, N. Las Vegas, Nevada
lexie_johnson GOLD, N. Las Vegas, Nevada
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Two roads diverged in a yellow stone, I took the road less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.
-Robert Frost

The Road Not Taken

I think that the idea of trying to illegalize suicide is simply a worthless/futile concept. If a person is truly committed to suicide there is no way you can stop them short of straight jackets and gags. Their life is theirs. People will control what their body consumes and the way they will treat it. If a person chooses choose that it is time to leave this world it will be their right and choice to do so. Opinions and laws do not extend to the point where you can dictate and regulate what others choose to do with their existence or body . As caring human beings we don't want others to feel their life is in need of ending, and you absolutely should try our best to show others their perceived worth and value to you, but no one should try to forcefully extend your own fears of death onto others. I'll completely agree that people shouldn't commit suicide and I would definitely try to stop a friend from attempting it, but I think the spirit of the law is to protect you from others, not yourself. I know this can be contradicted by the current wave of forced psychiatric evaluation and by those who think in the current thought crime mentality, but I really believe that the area of suicide, due to its moral ambiguity, is something best kept away from laws that would punish you for failing to do it right the first time. Every human being must be allowed to live according to their own convictions. It is not up to any other human to decide the fate of another.

However there is also the case of how mental illness can influence a person's decisions when it comes to the case of suicide. Mental illness is a manmade school of thought, and is no solid argument against a man's free will. Another person has no real intelligence to decide if a person is ‘in his/her right mind.’ The field of Psychology is an arrogant field with little solid science to support any of it's claims. To claim that one can "know the mind of another" is impossible. Psychology is the inquisition of our time, and though most are too ignorant to admit it, it offers no real science of proof. Every person belongs to himself. No one has any right to choose anything for another human being. Not ever. To think such a thing is pure arrogance, pure stupidity. Each man must choose for himself. To choose for another only proves the fool of the chooser. Psychology is the fool here. Each man belongs to himself, point blank. There is no such thing as "not in his right mind." That is a fallacy. Each man can choose for himself. To think you have the right to choose for another is pure narcissism and psychology is the field ruled by narcissists.

Not to mention that when we are talking about making suicide legal, it means that no action against the family of the dead will be taken, and there will be no investigation. So, as for the law's, suicide should be considered to be a crime, simply because a lot of murders seem to be suicide at the beginning and if none investigates the case then how can we know whether it was a crime or not? So, basically for this practical issue, we shouldn't ‘legalize’ suicide, because we can't easily distinguish when a suicide is really a suicide.This is a weak argument because your are supposing that the person is wanting to be committed to killing himself. There are other ways than legalizing suicide to help a person recover to a healthy life. As problem solvers for suicidal people we should be looking at equipping counselors with job forms and relocation plans for people who can not think of continuing their lives since most suicidal people just need a new


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