Legal Guns | Teen Ink

Legal Guns

May 4, 2016
By JayPowell BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
JayPowell BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Many people have died because of violence but more than 100,000 on average have died of gun violence in the past two years (Kirk and Yablon). More legal guns will not make America more safe, it will only make it worst.

Giving legal guns to Americans does not America safer. Providing more legal guns to different citizens will not only make it worst but there will be an increase in deaths in America. I think that putting more legal guns in the hands of Americans can make the streets worst. 9 times out of 10 every person who died have died because of a legal gun in the hands of the wrong person. Guns are dangerous.

  Police officers have legal guns and still find a way to kill people. For example, In 2016, a 12 year old girl, Ciara Myers was shot and killed by a police whose guns are legals ( Rayne and Nudd). They went into her house to check her house and was shot on the spot. The police are supposed to protect her not kill her.. The people who you thought would protect are killing us as well as the people who not supposed to have guns.

On average this year toddlers have killed over 23 people because of guns. Legal guns being around the house will make toddlers think it’s okay to play with a gun like its    a toy. According to “ The Washington Post,” through April 20-29 over five to six toddlers killed themselves or their family members because they got ahold of a legal gun laying around the house. More legal guns are very dangerous to toddlers and adults.

  Citizens in general should not have legal guns because just like toddlers and adults, citizens kill people as well with no reason. For example Trayvon Martin , a high school 17 year old, was shot only because he was walking at night with a hoodie over his head and skittles in his hand. George Zimmerman ,the man who shot him,  thought he had a gun in his hand but only had skittles and an Arizona.

Even though some people think having legal guns will make America not safe, some people think that it will make America safe. Putting legal guns on the street can and can not make America safe. Citizens think it’s okay to have guns because they want to protect their family. Guns can protect and also kill, but they also can be used for good reasons it’s not all about death.

I believe that legal guns would not make America safe because guns are very much dangerous and would make America worst because you can put guns into the wrong hands and create more violence. Police officers, toddlers, and citizens are examples of why legal guns would not make America safe.



"Do Citizens (not Police Officers) with Guns Ever Stop Mass Shootings?"Washington Post. The Washington Post. Web. 04 May 2016.

"Report: Photos - Free Photos." Report: Photos - Free Photos. Web. 04 May 2016.

"VIDEO: 12-Year-Old Girl Accidentally Shot and Killed by Constable Serving Eviction Notice to Her Father." . 2016. Web. 04 May 2016.

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