Who you are | Teen Ink

Who you are

December 17, 2019
By lizzyserralde BRONZE, Fort Worth, Texas
lizzyserralde BRONZE, Fort Worth, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sports and activities are very healthy for a kid to participate in because they have good factors in health and personal lives. Regardless, I don't think kids should be forced to do something they don't have an interest in or simply cannot do. I believe kids should not be forced in sports or activities because they might lack the ability to and feel ashamed, it creates tension towards the parents, and also become less happy without truly experiencing the things they want to do for themselves. 

It's not bad starting off your child at a young age to play sports or play instruments etc, but not all kids are gifted with the ability to be “good” at it. If you force or push your child too hard to do something they are simply not good at, they will feel ashamed, yes they will try their best but only because they didn't have a choice. A kid would feel embarrassed if they cant be as good as the other kids, causing sadness and anger. Children should be happy and start off their childhood with something they love not what their parents love. These are the moments kids remember the most as they grow.

When kids are in a forced position to do something they cannot do it creates anger and tension between the parents. Parents who constantly push their kids to do something increases anger towards the kid. “ Do as I say, not as I do” is the message we are teaching our kids, yet its a contradiction of other messages we tell them, that they can be anything that they want to be and to follow their dreams, is that truly fair? Children that feel pressured into playing ports may suffer from stress, kids who are not athletically inclined feel embarrassed by being put on the spot in front of team members, parents and coaches. According to healthychildren.com the goal for children should be playfulness, exploring and having fun, not forcing them to be someone they don't want to be. 

Kids have a large imagination, what they want to be when they grow up, as parents you want to show them what everything is like by giving them options, if they truly have no interest in something it's unhealthy for them to be pushed or forced at a young age, therefore causing over extended problems and you may not realize it till after. If a boy wants to be a fireman when he’s older, go show them what it’s like and what they do at a fire department. If a little girl wants to be a nurse, take her to a hospital and let them show her a few things. If kids want to play sports show them the variety of sports that exist, if they end up not liking it keeps giving them experiences they will never forget.

These kids are our next generation, make sure they are ready for the world. Having children stressed and angry towards their parents or in general is not good. Let’s show our kids what their dreams look like instead of showing them who we want them to be. Let them grow, let them make mistakes and most importantly figure out who they want to be. 

The author's comments:

I was raised by my wonderful parents but one thing i wish was different was their expectations on my brother and i and sports although i loved art and painting and he loved music. I want parents to realize how their kids feel when they plan their life out for them as if they dont have a say.

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