Soccer | Teen Ink


April 20, 2020
By E2020-soccer BRONZE, Rockville, Maryland
E2020-soccer BRONZE, Rockville, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever thought to yourself, why am I here, what was I meant to do? Well, so have I. I think that everyone has something in life that just pulls them in, and that makes them feel as happy as they possibly could. For me, that is soccer. It is what makes me smile when I have had a bad day. The friends you make when playing a sport are lifelong, because they have gone through the pain and hours of hard work by your side. It is the most wonderful feeling to play a game and play in sink with your ten teammates on the field with you. All people have bad days, but my team always supports me. They help me be the best person I can be on and off the field. You become so used to seeing your teammates, they become like family. You do everything together. On tournament weekends, you have three meals a day with your team, laughing and joking around. Soccer is not only amazing because of the people you play it with though. When your team scores a goal, all you think about is the long hours you put in. Whether they be in the pouring rain, sweltering heat, or the days that it is so cold, you can see your breath. When you push yourself to the limit and think that you can’t take another step, but then get up and keep going.

The author's comments:

"It's not whether you get knocked down; it's whether you get up." Vince Lombardi. 

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