Power as a Wrestling Match | Teen Ink

Power as a Wrestling Match

June 7, 2024
By Anonymous

In life, power is the ultimate prize. Politicians, CEOs, and celebrities are like wrestlers, each one trying to take control, aiming for the final move that will leave their rivals in shock. Like professional wrestling, the world of power is filled with dramatic entrances, over-the-top personalities, and a fair share of trash talk.

Imagine the conference room: it’s just like the wrestling ring. The CEO, in their tailored suit, is the reigning champion. They strut in with all the confidence of a wrestling star, ready to deliver a verbal body slam to anyone who dares challenge their authority. Meanwhile, armed with a flashy PowerPoint presentation, the ambitious young upstart is like the rookie wrestler looking to make a name by taking down the champ. The board members cheer or boo, depending on who has the most profits or making the biggest blunders.

Politicians, too, have their wrestling personas. They puff out their chests, giving speeches that are more about showmanship than substance. Their debates are verbal cage matches, where the goal is to pin the opponent with an insult that’ll be replayed on news channels for days. Campaign trails become the same of a wrestler’s tour, each stops a chance to win over the crowd with promises of jobs, justice, or just plain entertainment.

And let’s not forget the celebrity power struggles. Social media is their wrestling ring, where likes and retweets are the crowd's cheers. Influencers flex their followers like muscles, while misconduct and arguments are the dramatic storylines that keep fans hooked. Just like in wrestling, alliances are formed and betrayed in the blink of an eye, all for the excitement of staying on top.

In the end, power is a game of emotion and strategy, whether it’s in the world of business, politics, or fame. Like professional wrestling, it’s not just about who’s the strongest, but who can put on the best show. So next time you see a leader making grand promises or a CEO unveiling the next big thing, remember: it’s all part of the performance, and the world is watching from the front row.

The author's comments:

I am a Highschooler in 10th grade and I think Power is important nowadays. I think because of all these events happening around the world. Only the ones with power can do something or save themselves depending on them. I have been wrestling for 3 years now and I can see how everything so easy. The only thing that someone is supposed to do is just take the next step. 

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