The Pessimistic Optimist | Teen Ink

The Pessimistic Optimist

April 11, 2009
By Sarah Aalbers SILVER, Boise, Idaho
Sarah Aalbers SILVER, Boise, Idaho
6 articles 0 photos 3 comments


Is a dark stormy night
The people around you hate you,

Your black nails,

Your hair,

Your clothes and make-up.
They despise you for who you are.

There’s someone hiding from you all the time.

You get stabbed and hurt

You have enemies around every corner.




Is a bright sunny day

The people around you love you,
Your looks,

Your charm,

Your grace.

They love you for who you are.
There’s someone there behind you all the way.

You get hugs and kisses

You have friends by your side.





The author's comments:
This is meant to be read aloud by two people, one being the optimist (The second half) The other being the pessimist (The first half.) When read at the same time the rythm and other aspects are really quite interesting and cool.

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This article has 2 comments.

on May. 13 2009 at 2:53 am
Sarah Aalbers SILVER, Boise, Idaho
6 articles 0 photos 3 comments
that's really cool! thank you so much! it means a lot to me for you to say such great stuff! hah. I have a bunch of other poems on here too by the way. I will be putting more so watch out!

on May. 5 2009 at 10:59 pm
xXsmileXx PLATINUM, St. Louis, Missouri
34 articles 0 photos 265 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Your dreams only become intangible when you stop reaching" ~me ;)

This poem is really interesting! And it defines my personality perfectly. One half of me has mortal enemies while the other half has friends that are always by my side. Its weird how people can have what seems to be two personalities, but in reality their two halfs mesh perfectly. Keep writing!!!!!