Book for the Creation of Poetry | Teen Ink

Book for the Creation of Poetry

November 5, 2018
By D-P-Stimson SILVER, Lincoln, Rhode Island
D-P-Stimson SILVER, Lincoln, Rhode Island
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

the creation of poetry

the writers of the book

both well regarded poets,

writing exercises provided

by the authors

provides guidance

a clearly defined path to follow

burgeoning poets

can easily be worked into a repertoire

particular forms of poetry, but

the strategies and samples are being used

this source provides information on the actual creation

much more than other sources.

this book provides explicit strategies for composition

to guide the creation process, and to provide new forms

for Me

The author's comments:

This poem is a found poem derived from an anotation on a source that I personally wrote. I edited and altered the puntuation and capatilisation, as well as the order, but i did not add or change any words. 

This poem is about writing, the act of creation. Is the writer not a god of sorts? A demiurge who crafts his own sort of immaterial plane. The plane of fiction. We are instructed and often find that our ideas can be expressed through old forms and samples. In this case, the poem that emerged came from a prosaic composition and became, from something decidedly boring, something poetic, new, and formed. It is for Me, it is Mine, it is created.

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