Black Abyss | Teen Ink

Black Abyss

March 29, 2009
By Garnet_Grenade_Luv SILVER, Cochranville, Pennsylvania
Garnet_Grenade_Luv SILVER, Cochranville, Pennsylvania
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I watch through glazed eyes
As happy people dance through
The crowd, talking, laughing

My mind flips about the
Interior of my skull
While it too, laughs

Running from me is
My sense of self-confidence
And whatever, I previously remembered

Darting like an owl to
The black abyss that holds my books
I stare, and think

A splitting bell raises
me and strangles the waning
connection with my
private thoughts and
all that I could
momentarily hold close

I whisper a goodbye
And promise to return
To the black abyss…
That makes me feel at home.

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