Limits | Teen Ink


April 23, 2009
By Samantha Cruz BRONZE, Orlando, Florida
Samantha Cruz BRONZE, Orlando, Florida
2 articles 8 photos 0 comments

Have u reached the point where all hope is gone?
How u think it's time to move on...
We all know its hard But times like this,
you need that someone to lean on
The one you wish for
is the one that causes these thoughts,
On how the world may end if you cant hold his hand,
Worried on his feeling towards you,
When you found out, He's known for to long
Concerned on how he thinks
About the friendship that you guys had made
After not talking for years,
All is down the drain
Over the rumors, that turned into facts,
That are now regretted because of the worries
That this all caused
And its all that ones heart can take,
Before the limit is met and will break...


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