Alone | Teen Ink


January 21, 2019
By nklak9885 BRONZE, Rochester, Michigan
nklak9885 BRONZE, Rochester, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Frequently alone,

That constant voice

Comfort filled with fake promises

In confusion

Mom raised me strong

I hide when I am weak

Today I woke up weak

my room silent shades drawn I sat alone

today I was not strong

lack of motivation kept me in bed where that voice faded

Life swirls confusion

The promises keep me going

In September a promise

the building doubt made me weak

Thought left me in confusion,

I assure myself that I am not alone

the good voice not dead is that voice

Keeps me strong

A month passed and I am strong

Trust rebuilt and the future held promise

more assuring was my voice,

Packed it in a box and labled it weak

I have good friends, and I forgot what it felt like to be alone

the clarity I wanted was here and eliminated any confusion

The changing weather represents my confusion

Thought I was strong

my foe came back his name alone

crap of my friends and their promises

left me again weak

Leave, leave said the voice


I listened to the voice,
it left me in confusion

but I am no longer weak.

I found people who keep me strong

and I trust their promises

I for certain am finally not alone

For a long time that voice left me alone

who’s friends left me in confusion with fake promises

through it all it left me strong and no longer weak

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