Music's Purpose | Teen Ink

Music's Purpose

April 27, 2009
By DivineMind SILVER, Norfolk, Virginia
DivineMind SILVER, Norfolk, Virginia
9 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Electrifying cords with ear soothing 808’s, and heart pounding lyrics make music.
Real music is so original and unorthodox; it inspires people to make more of it.
The artist’s paint their own pictures, and show you their views.
Musicians give you a piece of their soul, every time they're on the song.
Music encourages self expression, passion, and originality.
Music is an outlet for self expression; people can really understand your feelings towards different topics, through your music.
These artists are passionate about their craft and they also stress individualism.
Musicians make music from the heart and for the art.
Also music helps soothe the soul
From hip hop to country, music is made to uplift people around the world.

Real music knows no color, owns no race, we’re all empowered by its rhythmic taste.

True music is seeded from creative and passionate feelings conveyed through words.

Music connects to the hearts of the people so it will never die.

Soul touching lyrics, and influencing melodies shape the foundation of what we call music.

The author's comments:
I really enjoy music

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