Forgive Me | Teen Ink

Forgive Me

April 29, 2009
By Melanie Waddell BRONZE, Lyman, South Carolina
Melanie Waddell BRONZE, Lyman, South Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I walked across the street,
I never thought I was walking away from you.
You were always so diligent,
Following me everywhere.
I assumed that you would always follow,
And I would always lead.
You annoyed me to no end
And you irritated me constantly.
But I loved you.
I wish I could have told you
Why I acted the way I did.
It was because you were flawless
You represented everything that I was not.
It was because you were flawed
You represented everything I was.
And I hated it.
You were always the center of their attention.
You never knew how jealous I was.
I hated myself for being jealous of you
Because I know that their company was hard on you.
You told me countless times.
I held you back,
At a distance from myself
So that you wouldn’t have to know
The dark thoughts that roamed my mind.
I knew that you,
Were so vulnerable and young,
And if I had been the one to expose you to the world,
I think I would have died from the harsh look in your eyes.
I should have known
That you would grow up eventually.
I should have known
That the world would get to you.
But at least I spared you
Some of the pain, some of the hurt.
And you got to experience moments that I never did,
Moments of fun and laughter,
And warmth and caring,
And Love.

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