Mimicking Mirrors | Teen Ink

Mimicking Mirrors

May 7, 2019
By kcwyrick BRONZE, Greensboro, North Carolina
kcwyrick BRONZE, Greensboro, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The castle floors are slick and marbled

The walls reach to the sky as if they may hold hands with God

Though there is a deep rumble that’s echoing between the towering walls

It shakes and rattles – covering the walls in noise

The rumble finds its way back to its creator

An orange tabby


The orange tabby slips between two tall legs

It falls frantically,

Slipping slowly across the slick floors

Bumping and gliding between the too tall two-legged creatures


As one particularly large creature steps out from behind a door

The orange tabby rushes up the drapes for cover,

Only to slide back down them onto the slippery slick floors

Rolling and tumbling until it smacks into one of the vast walls – a thump is heard

Hmph! – The cat deflates as air is forced out of his pink lips


Stars circle the cat’s amber eyes

Everything begins to move in slow motion

The ladies beautiful ball gowns billow in the slow air

The striking stature of the men is seen in their skillful style

Quickly like a bat out of hell

The orange tabby is back to scurrying between the skillful men and the elegant ladies


Only to find itself at the entrance of a dark hall

One small, orange paw reaches into the darkness

Though as it flexes in the dark veil it is met with the cold air

Again the orange tabby finds itself falling, tumbling and plunging

Whoosh – air flies past the tabby

The tabby travels towards a darkness unknown to this small creature

Ages pass – feels like years

Years span together, weaving, creating a quilt of time

As though it’s all just one moment



Bright light reflected off the tabby’s amber eyes

Light that cuts through the darkness

Slicing it in two

The cut shows strange things

Things the tabby has never seen before

Never even dreamt of seeing


Before the tabby’s amber eyes, he is met by thousands,

Thousands of other orange tabby cats

They move as he does

They purr as he does

They all move in unison throughout this slice in the darkness


Little does the tabby know that he in reality is all alone

There are no other tabby’s

There are no other cats

He has simply found room filled with thousands of mirrors

Mirrors of all shapes and sizes

Though tabby cat does not know this and as his fear ferociously reaches its peak

He slips out of the room and out of the castle

Finally finding himself on his way back home


For years following the tabby’s memorable castle adventure

He would tell others of the mysterious things that he saw

That he witnessed

And that he felt

For the rest of his life he would tell the tale of the castle with the army of cats in its basement

The author's comments:

Mimicking Mirrors comes from my poetry collection "A Kaleidoscope of the Discernable World." I wanted to write something light-hearted and have a story-like feel.

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