Summer | Teen Ink


May 10, 2019
By LiaMitchell BRONZE, Montgomery, Illinois
LiaMitchell BRONZE, Montgomery, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

‍‍‍She is like summer,
With a sweet smile that thaws you out,
Lips made of bubblegum sunsets,
Eyes glowing with green grass and sky blue hues.
The sway of her hips like playground swings,
Back and forth.
Laughter like skies opening up and pouring rain out
Soothing the fire and heat.
Freckles delicately painting her face like constellations.
Cool nights and calming crickets mask
Hushed whispers in the dark.
She is like summer,
Warmth and life radiate from her.
She is the musical melody blaring from car speakers
Driving recklessly,
Windows down,
AC on full blast,
And all you can hear above the sound
Is laughter.
She is like summer.

The author's comments:

Wrote for a girl who I had a crush on. 

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