To My Unborn Baby Brother | Teen Ink

To My Unborn Baby Brother

May 15, 2019
By Sydneycaldwell2003 BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
Sydneycaldwell2003 BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Family isn't something, it's everything

To my unborn baby brother,

Hey kid, it’s me , Sydney...again.  So I know it’s been 7 years, but I still think about you. I still think about what things would be like if you were standing here today. I have so many questions and curiosities about who you would’ve been if you lasted long enough in moms womb to take your first breath. I didn’t really know it was possible to miss someone that you’ve never met, but I miss you. I miss the excitement I felt when I overheard my mom that day when she told one of her best friends that she was going to have a little boy. I wish you got the chance to see the world. It’s so beautiful here. My favorite part of the world is the sun. The sun is this bright ball of warmth that gives off the most beautiful light. If only you could be here and see it. God you would love it, I hope. I mean, I know we’ve never met, but you’re my blood, you’re my family, you’re my brother, or you we’re going to be. We we’re going to be best friends, we were going to experience all of this together, side by side, hand and hand. Our family is great. We have a hard working dad, a loving mom, and two other sisters. Shelby is the oldest, she’s smart and funny and drop dead gorgeous. She has dark brown thick curly hair and long lashes. These traits run in the family so you would’ve gotten them too. Tanner is younger than me by 4 and a half years, she’s the light of my life, she’s so innocent and loving. She’s got the same hair and lashes except she looks more like dad than I do. Dad has blue eyes and light skin, with broad shoulders framing the rest of his body. And then there’s mom. Mom is the most beautiful human being I have ever seen. She has caramel colored skin and almond shaped brown eyes. She has the body of a goddess and gives the best hugs. Hugs are amazing kid, they are when two people wrap their arms around each other and just stay their holding one another. I wish I could hug you, maybe see you, or hear your voice. I don’t know what exactly I believe, but if you are lying among the stars somewhere, know I love you whether you are on this earth or not.


Your older sister,


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