A Glimpse of my world | Teen Ink

A Glimpse of my world

July 1, 2019
By Ondi-ww BRONZE, Johannesburg, Pretoria, Other
Ondi-ww BRONZE, Johannesburg, Pretoria, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

pain, what a numb feeling 

Heartbeat, a reminder that you're living 

Rain, a well portrayed image of my tears 

Heartbreak, the worst of my fears

The wind, whispering my secrets throughout the atmosphere

Water, washing away my every fear

The sun, has me wishing I were as bright 

We keep smiling

While inside we're drowning

It's insane 

That we keep loving those who hurt us 

Unfortunately, they're the ones who keep us sane

The author's comments:

I wrote this when I was going through a tough time in my life, it's the only way I can express my emotions and thoughts, through writing .

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