Ocean Wave, Ruined Love, The Cat's Revenge | Teen Ink

Ocean Wave, Ruined Love, The Cat's Revenge

January 11, 2020
By Alpacanna BRONZE, Sioux City, Iowa
Alpacanna BRONZE, Sioux City, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Ocean Wave

The wave approaches

Towards the grainy sand

The little hermit crab

Buries his body

Tiny shells litter the shore

Waiting to be taken back to their home

The mighty sand castle starts to look weak

As its end draws near

For nothing can stop

The ocean’s wave


 Ruined Love


The couple sat down in the house

Hands full with a cup of tea

The room was as quiet as a mouse

As the women waited for an apology

The clock’s tick was defining

His knee jumped up and down

Nothing was happening

The couple could only frown

After cheating on his wife

Nothing he could say would bring forgiveness

Now for the rest of his life

His wife would be suspicious


The Cat's Revenge

There once was a duck with a hat

Who’d stolen it from a fat cat

The cat was so mad

Tracked down the poor lad

And smacked him with an iron bat.

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