The Gamble | Teen Ink

The Gamble

May 16, 2009
By Ashley Smiskey SILVER, Onsted, Michigan
Ashley Smiskey SILVER, Onsted, Michigan
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It begins so suttle by the roll of a die
Love is always a game of chance
That you feel compelled to try
Eventually though your luck runs dry
Left empty handed and in pain you let him win the game
Now that the odds aren't in your favor someone needs to come along and be the savior
Because the thrill of being able to roll the die
Is like an addiction you can't escape
And you don't understand why
Even when you're down and out of luck
You still long to give the die one last chuck
Maybe for the hope that you will win
You give the lotto wheel one last spin
Love is always a game of chance
You feel compelled to try
It begins so suttle by the roll of a die
But eventually your luck runs dry

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