Watching | Teen Ink


May 19, 2009
By lucky7 SILVER, Aurora, Colorado
lucky7 SILVER, Aurora, Colorado
5 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life sucks, but you're doing just fine." (:

I feel like the whole world is watching me. Tehy anticipate my every move. I am the most predictable person they "know." They all know my story whether it came from my lips, or not. They know me even better than I. The reality is that no matter how good I do, I still get questioned. Get your own life. Get out of my mind and start living in your own. Your opinions shouldn't matter, yet somehow they still phase me. My thoughts have gone public. And, not because they left my mouth, but because they are written in my eyes. My fears are on display across my face, and yet, no matter how happy I truly am, every night, you seem to force me back to square one. Is the world really that judgemental? You see, what you don't realize is that I am stronger. I may nay not show it in my demeanor, but neither do you. While you come off as a mean person, underneath all that fake stuff is a tortutured, weak, self-conscious person. But, you see, I can only show my weak points, but all the way through, I am real and I am able to be the bigger person. And, even though you are weak, I don't feel sorry for you. How does it feel that everyone is watching you?

The author's comments:
This poem was inspired by a time in my life when I was very depressed. The inky way I can expres myself is through poetry. This is basically showing everyone who thought I was weak, how strong I really am.

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This article has 1 comment.

Roxy said...
on May. 30 2009 at 12:43 am
That is such a great poem!!! But no matter how weak you look in the outside you need to show how strong you are on the outside! Don't let things pull you down instead of letting things pull you down ignore them! If a person is mean to you just know that they have problems... and don't let it get to you! Keep these poems up they are so inspiring and just forget the past!!