Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

December 12, 2020
By Anonymous

I am from a world invented inside the mind of a child,

Transforming hallways into castles, and cars into rocket ships.

I’m from a mind full of vibrance and color,

Hand hovering over the empty pages of a notebook; with I try to express its beautiful chaos.

I am from common insecurities,

The you're not good enoughs andt you can't do its 

Causing realism to creep into the daydreams I once hid behind.

I'm from the Eagles, Barbra Streisshand and Elton John,

From Wasted Time and Tiny Dancer,

And practically every movie musical one can think of.

I’m from 5 years of a cappella, 4 years of singing and 10 years of piano,

Lessons that taught me new things each and every week as I grew.

I am from pizza on Tuesdays and banana pancakes on Sundays,

And John Denver playing in the kitchen while my dad cooked breakfast.

I am from peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, chocolate ice cream and macaroni & cheese

From hot dogs at baseball games and pretzels from a little vendor at the mall

I am from nacho dinners when my picky sisters have left the house,

From the Rainforest Cafe on birthdays and McDonald’s on the long drives to Florida.

I am from annual vacations to Palmetto to visit grandparents,

From preparing for a long drive with books, movies and journals

I’m from late nights of watching movies when one should be asleep,

From The Nightmare Before Christmas and the Polar Express,

From Back to the Future and Terminator,

From silently hiding the light of my tv from escaping from under my bedroom door.

I’m from reading books under a flashlight from beneath my covers,

Stories like Judy Moody, Nancy Drew and Harry Potter keeping me awake late into the evening.

I’m from a family of variety;

Medical workers, teachers and bankers.

From a spectrum of knowledge passed down from many experienced family members

From  “start saving now” and “Follow your dreams”

I am from these things, that have carefully constructed my personality like a thought out puzzle.

I am me.

The author's comments:

This is my version of George Ella Lyon's "Where I'm From" poem. Everyone grew up differently than one another, and Where I'm From poems are a creative way to allow others to learn about your upbringing, and, what made you into the person you are today.

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