The Skin I'm in | Teen Ink

The Skin I'm in

December 17, 2020
By DDavis6603 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
DDavis6603 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I'm scared

I'm scared to be

In the skin, I’m in

Being black is like wearing

A target on your back

All my sisters and brothers are

Out here dying

All for what???

All Because of the skin we are in

How is it that the police

Are so suppose to be my protector

But all they are doing is protecting

Themselves from an unarmed


People are dying and all the police care

About is making sure their asses are


But what about the families that

Lost someone dear to them??

What about the people who witnessed

These crimes and are being silenced??

Why are yall so worried about the officers and not the people??

So much is happening right now

Riots, violent protest, peaceful protest,

People posting R.I.P George Floyd

And so many others dying due to

Our "protectors"

In the past few months alone so many black

Lives have been taken

For what??

There is no reason to fear someone based upon their skin color

Black people could be just as scared as

White people

Actually, we were and are just as scared

As white people

So many years ago we were forced to

America from our homes

Almost died on the way here on those


To come here and build a nation and

Not get one penny for it

But you know what we did get

Scars from the whips

Hands bruised and beat up

Feet swollen and blistered

Stomachs empty

Hearts, minds, and souls are hoping

For something better

And when it finally did

White people still made us feel

Like we didn’t belong

Like we didn’t sit here and build them

Their homes, cooked for them,

Watched their children, grew their food,

Clean their dirty houses

We only asked for one thing

Just one damn thing

Yet we can’t have it

All we have ever wanted

Was to be EQUAL

"Not separate but equal"

Equal without and, if's or buts

We just wanna be EQUAL

Now, do you understand the pain?

I go through being in this skin?

The author's comments:

This piece is about being tired. Tired of being treats poorly due to the color of your skin. 

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