My Story | Teen Ink

My Story

December 17, 2020
By DDavis6603 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
DDavis6603 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Tell them my story…

Tell them how I spent my 

Whole life in and out of the hospital.

At this point, my life is like a mathematical  Equation, yeah I said a mathematical equation.

Tell them how I was poked and 

Stabbed weekly. Tell them I had to

Laugh at my own pain Because like the song goes,

 "I had no tears left to cry"

Tell them how I had to build myself up, so my

Pain couldn't win. So yea, 

Me and pain aren't friends.

Tell them how I used my pain

As fuel for my creativity!

Tell them how I had a crackhead

For a dad And a motivator for a mom.

Tell them how my family struggled from 

Paycheck to paycheck, and we'll look

At me, I'm a goddess! I had to make do 

With what I had and not what I wished for. 

Tell them that being in constant pain

Was like Stubbing my toe over and over again.

But still, pain is still pain.

You can't run from it forever. 

Well, at least I gave it a good run. But whos to 

Say you can't turn a sad story into a comedy.

The author's comments:

This poem has all my pain and heartache summed up into a short poem. but there is a beauty to my pain and heartache. 

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