Alcohol | Teen Ink


May 23, 2009
By Finchgirl4 BRONZE, Rock Springs, Wyoming
Finchgirl4 BRONZE, Rock Springs, Wyoming
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When did alcohol become more important than us?
You said you would quit but it was just another lie.
Was it really such a plus?
Was it really such a high?
I would lay awake and wonder,
is he coming home or staying out.
How could our family go under?
There I lay my head full of doubt,
how could our family survive through every shout?
Then I learned i'm better off without,
that together forever was just to big an endeavor.
Your beer was more important to you,
and it took loosing your family for you to get the clue.

The author's comments:
I wrote this right after my dad left. I don't really know why he has never read it, it was prolly just a way for me to deal with the pain back when nobody was around. It has some sweet rhymes so enjoy.

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