Crying for a Sunrise | Teen Ink

Crying for a Sunrise

March 16, 2021
By cajean BRONZE, Shirley, Massachusetts
cajean BRONZE, Shirley, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Tears flow akin to the rising sun

Creeping from the black,

Light welling over the horizon

Darkness helpless to hold it back.

Breaking dawn with an eye of gold

Blinking against the fading night,

It bursts and overflows the threshold,

Blurring everything in sight.

Brightness streams amidst the cold,

Warm drops of salty sunlight

Echo silent through the colorful sky

With ample grace to mystify.

Although the heavens are new

And beings now awake,

They ignore the stunning view,

As if it all were a fake.

The heavy clouds and glistening dew

And dripping daybreak,

Meaningless to all, save a few,

Who can’t help but double-take.

There, the marvelous rival of Versailles

Illuminates the path it travels by.

Yet soon the rise appears to slow,

Choking on an abundance of rays,

Reaching a place for letting go

And quieting the roaring blaze.

Tumultuous flames calm to a dim glow,

The great eye taken over with glaze

As the last beam is shed with a sigh;

It seems time was enough to pacify.

And when the sun begins its gentle descent

Mourning ebbs from sight,

Woe is finally forced to relent

To wait for another twilight.

The author's comments:

This poem is a conceit, directly comparing tears and sadness to a sunrise. Similar to how the sun rises from the dark, crying often stems from a buildup of negative emotions. As the tears come to a stop, you are filled with a sense of calm; like how the world seems to quiet as the sun sets. And although people cry every day, as does the sun rise every morning, paying attention and truly experiencing these events can be a beautiful thing, if you choose to look.

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