The night of passion and desire | Teen Ink

The night of passion and desire

May 1, 2021
By FARAZ21842 SILVER, Lahore, Other
FARAZ21842 SILVER, Lahore, Other
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Lean your head close to this shoulder of mine

And let all the fantasies you have to go wild

Do not be afraid to express the affection you conceal in this heart

Without uttering a single word, kiss me and kiss me hard


The virtue of your soul has softened this vulnerable heart of mine

Igniting the passion hidden with in and setting it on fire

The elegance of your face is the place where poets like me disarm

Disrupting the rhythm of my pen and making it impossible for me to describe your charm


Dancing tenderly with your body gently pressed against mine

Let us rule the night of our dreams, making our love divine

Just as if the Prophecy of us together have been foretold by people of all times

Shh,there is no need to blush, thou art my bread and thou art my holy wine


And eventually I shall surrender to the seducing whispers of your heart

While delicately running my fingers all over your bodily parts

Rendering you with its sweetness and intimidating you to yearn for more

Ahh, no need to suppress your emotions, lives through the night as if there is nothing more to live for



And just when the dawn is about to break

Sit with me on the corner of that glacial lake

And let us cherish this celestial moment while being submerged in each other arms

There is no need for any blankets, allow my body to provide yours with enough warmth



Soon the cruel world will display its colours and we shall have to separate

Agonizing is going to be the moment when for eternity we shall have to part our ways

Devoted love is hopeless in the world which is permeated with hatred and rage

But don’t worry my lover, I shall wait for you on heaven’s gate


Cry woman cry, dissolve all of the sadness into the darkness and silence of night

For heaven knows that we shall not have a bodily reunion again in this life

Let the metaphorical piano perform each tune with a unique tear

Blood flowing from the eyes as we acknowledged that pure love has lost its war with Earthly fear


By giving music to this unsung of mine, set our love as an example for all times to come

Become a poem of mine and make this night of us together an immortal one

The author's comments:

I like to wrie romantic sad poems. This is one such example, in future I will upload even more. 

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