The reverse | Teen Ink

The reverse

September 9, 2021
By elizabeth_austin SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
elizabeth_austin SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

the whipping wind knots my hair  
the crashing water floods my ears 
i can smell the salty and bitter air  
the blurriness activates my fears 
The line separating floating and drowning 
Becomes unseen  
i’m bound by feeling everything  
and nothing around me  
hopes and dreams strike me like lightning 
Leaving doubt behind it like thunder  
The hands are tightening 
pulling me under 
salty water burns my eyes  
and floods my lungs 
dragging me to my own demise  
It’s a bitter taste left on the tongue  
feelings drag me into the deep 
like an anchor chained to my feet 
every emotion suffocates me  
suddenly I feel nothing 
Standing on the shore watching the sea 
The void is crushing  
can someone explain to me which is worse  
drowning beneath my own waves  
Or dying from the reverse  

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