And I Can Wait | Teen Ink

And I Can Wait

June 4, 2009
By NkaujMosThoj SILVER, Appleton, Wisconsin
NkaujMosThoj SILVER, Appleton, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It's beauty is most seen by the creator

I've planted you in my future.
Sadly I can't tell, I can't see my future from now.
It takes time I've said...and I can wait.
I can't see the stars up close from earth,
like the moon left alone at dark, like the bottom of the ocean sea...
I can't see you anytime soon and that always breaks my heart.
It takes time I've said...and I can wait.
I've learned about you, I've learned about me. About 'us'.
Sadly I can't see, I can't tell whether it was really meant to be.
It takes time, always. But I can wait.

The author's comments:
This piece is about two lovers who has a long distant relationship. The stars, moon, sea...etc are symbols representing of what the girl feels about the distant of the two lovers.


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