Daisy | Teen Ink


October 18, 2022
By PineApplemushrooMs PLATINUM, Dayton, Ohio
PineApplemushrooMs PLATINUM, Dayton, Ohio
41 articles 0 photos 31 comments

I've watched 

Though I couldn't understand 

I watched

And while flashbacks are so easily written on the pages of the books I love

they're far more painful in my reality.

A childhood rooted in escapism

books that center around fairy tales and our world and conflict and 


Those mountains aren't home if I have no one to go back to

And while she's done things that p*ssed me off

I loved her every hour

She is a beautiful soul

and although she is misguided in some ways


She'll find someone to love her for who she is

The way I love her as my best friend.

Fears and sleepwalking and insecurities and all.

She helped me grow up

My Samwise Gamgee

There to the mountains and back.




I know that at first, the main character in my novel was you.

It was you

Because authors write what we know

And when I come back to The Shire

It's you I want to see

Because after all the things we've seen on our sometimes separate journeys

The Shire isn't home without you, Sam.


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