Pressure | Teen Ink


May 1, 2023
By 4fritsche SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
4fritsche SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

  I stood up, keeping my head above the water,

     wanting to capture the rushing water.

   Power lines crashed as rain poured down,

the thought of electrocution pelted my mind.

  I wanted to show how dangerous,

    the flooding is.

    These yearly floods unnoticed,

 and unknown by other states.

I trek back to my house filled with water,

an extreme amount of damage to fathom.

I think of the time a hurricane hit OBX,

   water filled a once sandy beach.

  I couldn’t accept any more water, 

I wanted to have a place to sleep.

  Placing my hands on my door, 

        I forced the water to stay put.

My body, thrown across the room,

  the pressure too great to handle.

No single form of aid provided for this quiet,

 unknown storm.

  The rest of the country filled with silence,


  I remain floating, helpless,

unsure of what lies beneath me,

     hoping what is ahead of me,

    is better than behind me.

The author's comments:

With lines from “New York City’s Flooding Crisis in the Age of Climate Change” by Rommel Ojeda and John Upton.

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