The One Left Behind | Teen Ink

The One Left Behind MAG

By Anonymous

When I was just a toddler
you would ride off on your bikes
to visit a neighborhood friend
and I would shout, "Brothers, come back!"
but I could not follow you.
I grew older and threw temper tantrums
that I'm not very proud of.
I would slam the door to my room
and make the hinges squeal
and scream about how I wished you'd go away
and leave me alone.
But now I stand here as you go off to college and
I say good-bye knowing that you and I will change
and it will never be the same.
I am back to the day I was a toddler
and I want to shout, "Brothers, come back!"
as you drive away in your packed up car
but I cannot follow you.

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i love this so much!