Two in One | Teen Ink

Two in One

May 11, 2023
By 3sharma GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
3sharma GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The two Fridas sit side by side,

their hearts exposed, and unafraid of pain

one with a broken heart, 

the other with a whole one from the start.

One in a white dress, the other in a blue gown

Both identical yet so distinct.

The clouded sky roars above

echoing their sorrow and love.

The one without a heart holds her scissors tight, 

ready to cut the bond with no fight.

The other looks ahead with a gaze,

to say the pain will pass and she shall stay.

The beating heart shows what was lost,

Love that had burned so bright,

has now fizzled out,  

with the clouds now covering the light.

The author's comments:

Inspired by The Two Fridas by Frida Kahlo 1939

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