The Fairy-tale | Teen Ink

The Fairy-tale

June 6, 2023
By ahenrix BRONZE, Rochester Hills, Michigan
ahenrix BRONZE, Rochester Hills, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Scenery of joy, of warmth bleeds into cold.

Rudely awoken from slumber, lingering memories

Her only comfort in the dark chamber.

A Princess lives a lonely life until the end,

Isolated as a royal that has to be saved.

Calling out to an unknown Prince whom she will love.


A Prince is assigned lessons, expectations and who to love.

Expectations weigh as if a metal slab that is unbearingly cold.

At birth he is assigned the Princess whom he is meant to save.

With but a sword and shield, utilizing memories

To rescue the Princess that he will marry in the end,

He arrives at his destination; the dripping chamber.


The dragon protects a barren chamber.

Trapped here so two Royals can “love,”

Only chained to get slaughtered in the end.

No matter how hot they blow, the loneliness is a cold

Hold. Reuniting with brethren only in memories

That slowly slip away; let me rest, let the Princess get saved.


A King's greatest joy is to raise a heir that saves

The Princess. A common practice– A Princess in a frigid chamber.

Remembering his own story– rescuing her, marrying her; his memories

Show the perfect fairytale. Following through because of who he must love

For the good and joy of a powerful kingdom. It’s a cold,

Reality but one that will work until the end.


A queen’s role is symbolic to the end,

Mother of the Kingdom but weak to influence, to save

The lives of her children as they experience a cold

Existence. She watches her son rescue someone from their silent chamber,

Always the girls, the women that get sacrificed first for love.

She remembers clear as glass her own rescue– taunting memories.


Servants see stories in their memories.

They are sometimes tools for a means to an end,

A person for royals to rant to about the love

Expected from them. It is an honor to save

Royalty even if it is just a reprieve from the daunting chamber.

Servants are the shadows of royal light, they feel only cold.


Everyone in a fairytail is cold– It is a theme in their memories.

For they face dungeons and chambers, just to get to the end

Of a story they must save in order to fill the world with love.

The author's comments:

This poem gives another point of view on the childhood stories we enjoy. How the expectations of society limit them into these roles and boxes that they cannot escape. It is relatable to people who are being forced to act a certain way when it is truly hurting them on the inside. 

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