Overcoming Fear | Teen Ink

Overcoming Fear

June 8, 2023
By alinaz1317sptx BRONZE, Plano, Texas
alinaz1317sptx BRONZE, Plano, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Climbing up the mountain of success,
Only, the mountain’s road is not smooth nor straight.
Up and up, the only option is traversing through the hidden unknowns,
Restraining from fleeing the dangers lurking,
Apprehensively watching every step taken,
Going, going, going with fear mounting after every step.
Ending is never an option though.

The author's comments:

Hi! I love writing poetry, and in this poem, I wrote about courage. This piece means a lot to me because I used to lack that courage, so I missed out on experiencing opportunities that helped me grow. Even now, sometimes I am still afraid to try activities I have never done in fear of failure, so I hope this poem can inspire others to be brave even when they are afraid of the unknown. 

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