Living in a silhouette | Teen Ink

Living in a silhouette

October 16, 2023
By Gage-Myers SILVER, Lambertville, Michigan
Gage-Myers SILVER, Lambertville, Michigan
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Born into poverty, with little property, from time to time it seemed everlasting, hoping and hoping that for them to quit relapsing, through the pain and suffering came a bright lite, she could comfort me like a night light, drink after drink, waiting and waiting, bracing for when he meets his brink, Back then I would hope for it to stop, but the clock just kept going…. Tik…. tok. Even through the darkest of days, we managed to see the light of day. Now it's slowed down quite a bit, but I still keep hope that he will quit.  All in all I know it won't end, so might as well try and play pretend. Sister and brother alike though it may seem that we change up the pace and sometimes she can be pretty mean.  Love for family and friends, they mean the most to me even when it may seem like it may end. Life like living in a silhouette, stay in the background til the sun sets. 

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